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4 ISI- Published articles, 1 ISI  Article in press, 2 Published articles BDI:

  1. Physicochemical and biological properties of gelatin extracted from marine snail Rapana venosa, Gaspar-Pintiliescu A, Stefan LM, Anton DE, Berger D, Matei C, Negreanu-Pirjol T, Moldovan L, Marine Drugs, 2019, 17(10), 589.doi:10.3390/md17100589 (FI 3.772)

  2. “Heavy Metals Bioaccumulation Capacity on Marine Algae Biomass from Romanian Black Sea Coast”, E. Cadar, R. Sirbu, Pirjol B.S. Negreanu, A.M. Ionescu, Pirjol T. Negreanu, Revista de Chimie (Bucharest), vol. 70, nr. 8, 2019, pp. 3065 – 3072, ISSN 0034-7752, scor relativ de influenţă/2018: 0,135, IF/2018/2019: 1,605,

  3. “Antioxidant Activity Correlated with Chlorophyll Pigments and Magnesium Content of Some Green Seaweeds”, T. Negreanu-Pirjol, R. Sirbu, M. Mirea, B.S. Negreanu-Pirjol, European Journal of Medicine and Natural Sciences- EJMN, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2019), January - April 2019, published: 2019-03-30, p. 16 - 22, ISSN 2601-6397 (Print), ISSN 2601-6400 (Online),

  4. Compounds from three green algae species along Romanian Black Sea coast with therapeutically propertiesSirbu R, Negreanu-Pirjol T, Mirea M, European Journal of Medicine and Natural Sciences - EJMN, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2019, 5 -15, ISSN 2601-6397 (Print), ISSN 2601-6400 (online)

  5. Estimation of Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) quality, a marine living resource from the romanian Black Sea with bioeconomic importance, Rosioru Daniela-Mariana, Oros Andra, Coatu Valentina, Stoica Elena, Negreanu-Pirjol Ticuta, UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B, Vol. 82, Iss. 2, 2020, pp. 39-46, ISSN 1454-2331: Chemistry and Materials Science,

  6. Heteroatom modified MCM-41-silica carriers for Lomefloxacin delivery systems,  Brezoiu A-M-C, Deaconu M, Nicu I, Mitran R-A, Vasile E., Matei C., Berger D-C., Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, vol. 275, fascicola 2, pp. 214-222, 2019, ISSN 1387-1811, (IF: 4,182), doi 10.1016/j.micromeso.2018.08.031, WOS:000452942500025

  7. Polyphenols extract from grape pomace. Characterization and valorisation through encapsulation into mesoporous silica-type matrices, Brezoiu A-M-C, Matei C., Deaconu M., Stanciuc A-M, Trifan A., Gaspar-Pintiliescu A., Berger D.-C., Food and Chemical Toxicology, vol. 133, 2019, Article Number 110787, ISSN 0278-6915, (IF: 3,775), doi 10.1016/j.fct.2019.110787, WOS:000491684000050



24  Attandance with works in International Stinentific Comferences :

  1. Biomedical potential of collagen isolated from the marine gastropod Rapana venosa,  Stanciuc AM, Gaspar-Pintiliescu A, Anton E, Stefan LM, Mitran RA, Negreanu-Pirjol T, Sanda C, Moldovan L, Modern biotechnological advances for human health – BAHH, Bucharest, Romania, May 28-31, 2019, Book of Abstracts p. 95

  2. Isolation and characterization of collagen from marine fish skin for biotechnological applications, Anton DE, Moldovan L, Gaspar-Pintiliescu A, Tatia R, Ilie D, Matei C, Berger D, Negreanu-Pirjol, T, 21th Romanian International Conference on chemistry and Chemical Engineering – RICCCE 21, Constanta, Romania, September 4-7, 2019

  3. Estimation of Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) quality, a marine living resource from the Romanian Black Sea with economical importance, Roşioru DM, Oros A, Coatu V, Stoica E,   Negreanu-Pirjol T,  21th Romanian International Conference on chemistry and Chemical Engineering – RICCCE 21, Constanta, Romania, September 4-7, 2019

  4. Marine snail as a novel source for bioactive compounds with medical potential,   Stanciuc AM, Gaspar-Pintiliescu A, Oancea LS, Mitran RA, Matei C, Negreanu-Pirjol T, Moldovan L, Euromat 2019, Stockholm, Sweden, September 1-5, 2019, Abstract book, pag 2243 

  5. Extraction and characterization of glycosaminoglycans from marine snail Rapana venosa,  Sanda C, Moldovan L, Tatia R, Toma A, Gaspar-Pintiliescu A, Negreanu-Pirjol T, The International Symposium „Priorities of Chemistry for a Sustainable Development” – PRIOCHEM XV, Bucuresti, Romania, 30 octombrie-1 noiembrie, 2019, Proceedings 2019, 29(1), 86

  6. Residual marine biomass characterization from the Romanian Black Sea littoral for valorization as plants biostimulator-regenerator formula, Negreanu-Pirjol B, Negreanu-Pirjol T, Mirea M, Lepadatu AC, 3rd International Water and Health Congress – Everything About Water, Antalya, Turkey, 12-15 November 2019, Congress Book, Session Poster presentation, Research Abstract P-239, pp. 966-967, ISBN: 978-605-80164-0-8

  7. Active principles content correlated with total antioxidative capacity of some marine algae fluids extracts, Negreanu-Pirjol T, Negreanu-Pirjol B-S, Mirea M, Bratu MM, Popoviciu DR, 3rd International Water and Health Congress – Everything About Water, Antalya, Turkey, 12-15 November 2019, Congress Book, Session Poster presentation, Research Abstract P-204, pp. 964-965, ISBN: 978-605-80164-0-8

  8. Compounds from three green algae species along Romanian Black Sea coast with therapeutically properties, Sirbu R, Negreanu-Pirjol T, Mirea M, Negreanu-Pirjol BS, ICSS XVIII - 18th International Conference on Social Sciences, EUSER, Lisbon, Portugal, 17th-18th May 2019, Proceedings Book Abstracts, p. 682, ISBN 978-164606758-9

  9. Marine algae from the Black Sea coast - important vitamin source, Cadâr E, Roncea FN, Cherim M, Negreanu-Pîrjol T, Negreanu-Pîrjol B-Ş, Sîrbu R,  Workshop “Pharmacy Past, Present And Future”- Fourth Edition, Ovidius University of Constanţa, Constanta, Romania, 16th-18th May 2019, CD Book of Abstracts, Posters Session, lucrarea P8, pp. 32, ISSN 2457-8193

  10. Estimation of the Mytilus galloprivincialis quality from Romanian Black Sea coast for pharmaceutical purpose, Rosioru DM, Oros A, Coatu V, Stoica E, Negreanu-Pirjol T, 42nd CIESM Congress, Cascais, Portugal, 7-11 October 2019.

  11. Antioxidant Activity Correlated With Chlorophyll Pigments And Magnesium Content Of Some Green Seaweeds,  T. Negreanu-Pirjol, R. Sirbu, M. Mirea, B.S. Negreanu-Pirjol,  ICSS XVIII - 18th International Conference on Social Sciences, EUSERLisbon, Portugal,  17th-18th May 2019, Proceedings Book, Abstract, p. 683,  ISBN 978-164606758-9,

  12. Mg content, carotioids, flavonoids, total polyphenols and antioxidant activity of some green algae species along the shores of the Romanian Black Sea coast,T. Negreanu - Pirjol, M.M. Bratu, S. Porta, B. Negreanu-Pirjol,  Magnesium Symposium 2019- Symposium Der Gesellschaft Für Magnesium-Forschung (Brd) Und Der Österreichischen Magnesium Und Elektrolytforschungsgesellschaft, Theresianische Militärakademie Wiener Neustadt, Austria, 5 – 7 September 2019, Programm, Oral presentation,

  13. Natural antioxidants: What do we know about their biologic effects? Comparison of the most usual methods for estimating antioxidant activity, M.M. Bratu, T. Negreanu-Pîrjol, M.D. Radu ,  Workshop With International Participation “Alternative And Complementary Therapies (Homeopathy / Phytotherapy)”, 3rd Edition, Constanta, Romania, 25-26 October 2019, Program si Book of abstracts, prezentare orală, lucrarea O.2, pp. 8, ISSN-L 2601-1476 ISSN 2601-1476,

  14. Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of some grape residual biomass hydroalcoholic extracts - white and red varieties, V. Artem, T. Negreanu–Pirjol, A. Ranca, D.R. Popoviciu, C. Ciobanu, A. Abduraman, B.-S. Negreanu-Pirjol, 21st Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering - RICCCE-2019, Constanta-Mamaia, Romania,September, 4-7, 2019,  Poster Presentations, Section I, Program and Book of Abstracts, lucrarea S1 – 316,

  15. “Evaluation of antioxidant capacity, total polyphenols and pigments content in two selected marine macroalgae species”, T. Negreanu-Pîrjol, B.-Ş. Negreanu-Pîrjol, D. Rosioru, M. Golumbeanu, D.R. Popoviciu, International U.A.B. – B.EN.A. Workshop – Environmental Engineering and Sustainable development, 7th Edition, Alba Iulia, Romania, June 20-21th 2019, Book of Abstracts, Universitatea “1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia, Editura Aeternitas, 2019, lucrarea p. 98, ISSN 2457-2829, ISSN-L 2457-2829,

  16. Tailoring the resveratrol release profile from mesoporous silica through carrier surface modification, Lincu D.-F., Ionită S., Deaconu M., Brezoiu A-M-C, Matei C., Berger D.-C., 21st Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering - RICCCE-2019, Constanta-Mamaia, Romania,September, 4-7, 2019, Prezentare orală

  17. Influence of Mesoporous Silica Functionalization and Pore Size on Resveratrol Release Profiles,  Lincu D.-F., Ioniţă S., Mitran R.-A., Deaconu M., Brezoiu A-M-C, Matei C., Berger D.-C., The XV International Symposium, “Priorities Of Chemistry For A Sustainable Development” – PRIOCHEM, Bucuresti, Romania, 31/10/2019 - 01/11/2019, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings, 2019, 29, 38; doi: 10.3390/proceedings2019029038, Prezentare orală

  18. Solubility And Dissolution Rate Enhancement By Drug Encapsulation Into Mesoporous Silica, Lincu D-F, Ioniţă S., Mitran R-A., Deaconu, M., Matei, C., Berger, D-C,   9th International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-East European Countries, Târgovişte, Romania, 08/05/2019 - 11/05/2019, Poster

  19. Valorization of grape pomace through encapsulation of polyphenols extract into mesoporous silica type matrices, Brezoiu, A-M-C, Matei C.,  Deaconu M., Stanciuc A-M, Trifan A., Berger D-C,  4th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization (ICNPU) - From Plants to Pharmacy Shelf, Albena, Bulgaria, 29/05/2019 - 01/06/2019, Poster, Lucrarea a fost premiată pentru cel mai bun poster.

  20. Mesoporous silica as materials for medicine. Colloidal versus mesostructured particles, Deaconu M., Constantin D., Stanciuc A-M, Nicu I., Matei C., Berger D-C, 21st Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering - RICCCE-2019,Constanta-Mamaia, Romania, September, 4-7. 2019, Prezentare orală

  21. Enhanced radical scavenger properties of polyphenolic extract from grape marc through encapsulation into mesoporous silica-type matrices, Brezoiu A-M-C, Matei C., Deaconu M., Mitran, R-A, Trifan A., Stanciuc A-M, Berger D-C, 21st Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering - RICCCE-2019, Constanta-Mamaia, Romania, September, 4-7. 2019, Prezentare orală

  22. Properties of resveratrol encapsulated into mesoporous silica, Ionita S., Lincu D-F, Mitran R-A, Brezoiu A-M-C, Deaconu M., Matei C., Berger D.-C., 21st Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering - RICCCE-2019, Constanta-Mamaia, Romania, September, 4-7. 2019, Prezentare orală

  23. Comparison between Salvia officinalis and Thymus serpyllum leaves extract properties embedded in titania matrices, Prundeanu M., Brezoiu A-M-C, Deaconu M., Matei C., Oprea O., Negreanu-Pirjol T., Berger D-C,  21st Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering - RICCCE-2019, Constanta-Mamaia, Romania, September, 4-7, 2019,  Poster

  24. Embedding Polyphenols Extract from Grape Marc into Inorganic Supports with Enhanced Stability, Brezoiu A-M-C, Deaconu M., Lincu D-F, Bajenaru L, Matei C., Berger D-C, The XV International Symposium, “Priorities Of Chemistry For A Sustainable Development” – PRIOCHEM, Bucuresti, Romania, 31/10/2019 - 01/11/2019, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings, 2019, 29, 38; doi: 10.3390/proceedings2019029038, Prezentare orală


  • Process for obtaining gelatin with bioactive properties from marine gastropods, Submitted Request for National Brevet ,OSIM, 2019

Project members   Mihaela Bratu, Ticuța Negreanu-Pîrjol, have been:

  • Chairmans, in cadrul manifestarii stiintifice Magnesium Symposium 2019- Symposium Der Gesellschaft Für Magnesium-Forschung (Brd) Und Der Österreichischen Magnesium Und Elektrolytforschungsgesellschaft, 5 – 7 September 2019, Theresianische Militärakademie Wiener Neustadt, Austria, conform Programm:

    1. Section: Magnesium und Hypertonie, Vorsitz: M.M. Bratu

    2. Section: Mg, Psychologie, Sport und Botanik, Vorsitz: T. Negreanu – Pirjol


  • Chairpersons la Workshop “Pharmacy Past Present And Future”- Fourth Edition, Ovidius University of Constanţa, 16th-18th May 2019, Constanta, Romania, according Program, Oral presentations section: T. Negreanu – Pirjol



1.   “Effect of Nanoconfinement of Polyphenolic Extract from Grape Pomace into Functionalized Mesoporous Silica on Its Biocompatibility and Radical Scavenging Activity, A.-M. Brezoiu, L. Bajenaru, D. Berger, R.-A. Mitran, M. Deaconu, D. Lincu, A. Stoica Guzun, C. Matei, M. Georgeta Moisescu, T. Negreanu-Pirjol, Antioxidants, (MDPI), 2020, 9(8),696; - 03 Aug 2020ISSN 2076-3921; CODEN: ANTIGE,

2.  „Properties of Salvia offcinalis L. and Thymus serpyllum L. extracts free and embedded into mesopores of silica and titania”,  Brezoiu, A.-M., Prundeanu, M., Berger, D., Deaconu M., Matei C., Oprea O., Vasile E., Negreanu-Pirjol T., Muntean D., Danciu C.Nanomaterials, (MDPI), 2020, 10(5), 820; 25 Apr. 2020, ISSN 2079-4991; CODEN: NANOKO,



1.   “Effect of Nanoconfinement of Polyphenolic Extract from Grape Pomace into Functionalized Mesoporous Silica on Its Biocompatibility and Radical Scavenging Activity, A.-M. Brezoiu, L. Bajenaru, D. Berger, R.-A. Mitran, M. Deaconu, D. Lincu, A. Stoica Guzun, C. Matei, M. Georgeta Moisescu, T. Negreanu-Pirjol, Antioxidants, (MDPI), 2020, 9(8),696; - 03 Aug 2020ISSN 2076-3921; CODEN: ANTIGE,

2.  „Properties of Salvia offcinalis L. and Thymus serpyllum L. extracts free and embedded into mesopores of silica and titania”,  Brezoiu, A.-M., Prundeanu, M., Berger, D., Deaconu M., Matei C., Oprea O., Vasile E., Negreanu-Pirjol T., Muntean D., Danciu C.Nanomaterials, (MDPI), 2020, 10(5), 820; 25 Apr. 2020, ISSN 2079-4991; CODEN: NANOKO,


3. Estimation of Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) quality, a marine living resource from the Romanian Black Sea with bioeconomic importance,Daniela Mariana Roșioru, Andra Oros, Valentina Coatu, Elena Stoica, Ticuța Negreanu-Pîrjol, UPB  Scientific Bulletin (U.P.B. Sci. Bull.), Series B, Vol. 82, Iss. 2, 2020, pp. 39-46, ISSN 1454-2331


4. Enhanced Stability Of Polyphenolic Extracts From Grape Pomace Achieved By Embedding Into Mesoporous Silica-Type Matrices, Ana-Maria Brezoiu, Daniel Lincu, Mihaela Deaconu, Raul-Augustin Mitran, Daniela Berger, Cristian Matei,UPB Scientific Bulletin (U.P.B. Sci. Bull.), Series B, Vol. 82, Iss. 2, 2020, pp. 39-46, ISSN 1454-2331,


5. Experimental Studies On The Residual Marine And Viticultural Bioresources Valorization For New Organic Fertilizers, Victoria Artem, Ticuta Negreanu–Pirjol, Aurora Ranca, Cristina Ciobanu, Anil Abduraman, Viorica Coroiu, Bogdan-Stefan Negreanu-Pirjol, U.P.B. Scientific Bulletin, (U.P.B. Sci. Bull.), Series B,  ISSN 1454-2331, nr de înregistrare ID 10695, (in press)


6. Total Phenolic Content Correlated With Antioxidant Activity Of Some Grape Pomace Biomass Hydroalcoholic Extracts, White And Red Varieties, Victoria Artem, Ticuta Negreanu–Pirjol, Aurora Ranca, Cristina Ciobanu, Anil Abduraman, Mihaela Mirela Bratu, Dan Razvan Popoviciu, Lucia Moldovan, Bogdan-Stefan Negreanu-Pirjol, U.P.B. Scientific Bulletin, (U.P.B. Sci. Bull.), Series B,  ISSN 1454-2331, nr de înregistrare ID 10700, (in press)



1. Preliminary Data Regarding Pharmaceutical Forms Type Gels Based on Marine Algae Extracts with Antioxidant Activity, Negreanu-Pîrjol, Bogdan-Ştefan Negreanu-Pîrjol, Dan Razvan Popoviciu, Florentina Nicoleta Roncea, European Journal of Medicine and Natural Sciences, September - December 2020, Volume 4, Issue 3, pp. 55-65, ISSN 2601-6397 (Print), ISSN 2601-6400 (Online),

2.Residual Marine Algae Biomass - An Important Raw Material for Obtaining a Soil Biostimulator-Regenerator, Bogdan-Stefan Negreanu-Pirjol, Ticuta Negreanu-Pirjol, Gabriela Mihaela Paraschiv, Mihaela Mirela Bratu, European Journal of Medicine and Natural Sciences, September - December 2020, Volume 4, Issue 3, pp. 74-85, ISSN 2601-6397 (Print), ISSN 2601-6400 (Online),





1.Properties of Free and Embedded Extracts from Different Grape Pomace into Mesoporous Inorganic Matrices, Anil Abduraman, Ana-Maria Brezoiu, Rodica Tatia, Mihaela Deaconu, Daniel Lincu, Samuel Minea, Victoria Artem, Cristian Matei, Lucia Moldovan, Ticuța Negreanu Pirjol, Daniela Berger, Proceedings, 2020, 57, 78; doi:10.3390/proceedings2020057078, Abstract extins,





1.Antioxidant activity of polyphenolic extract from rose wine grape marc loaded on functionalized mesoporous silica, M. Brezoiu, L. Băjenaru, M. Deaconu, D. Lincu, A. Stoica-Guzun, R.-A. Mitran, C.  Matei, D. Berger, International Chemical Engineering and Material Symposium - SICHEM 2020, București, România, 17-18 Septembrie 2020 – Prezentare orală online

2. Properties of Free and Embedded Extracts from Different Grape Pomace into Mesoporous Inorganic Matrices,A.-M. Brezoiu, R. Tatia, M. Deaconu, D. Lincu, S. Minea, V. Artem, C. Matei, L. Moldovan, T. Negreanu Pirjol, D. Berger, Simpozionul Internațional “Prioritățile chimiei pentru o dezvoltare durabilă” - PRIOCHEM XVI 2020, București, Romania, 28-30 octombrie 2020, poster online 

During the conference, the presented paper was awarded with “MENTION” by the organizers of the scientific event, the National Research - Development Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry (ICECHIM).

3. Supersaturating systems obtained using mesoporous silica with solubility and dissolution rate enhancement, R.-A. Mitran, D. Lincu, S. Ioniţǎ, A.-M. Brezoiu, C. Matei, D. Berger, Simpozionul Internațional “Prioritățile chimiei pentru o dezvoltare durabilă” - PRIOCHEM XVI 2020, București, Romania, 28-30 octombrie 2020, poster online

4. Preliminary Data Regarding Pharmaceutical Forms Type Gels Based on Marine Algae Extracts with Antioxidant Activity, Negreanu-Pîrjol, Bogdan-Ştefan Negreanu-Pîrjol, Dan Razvan Popoviciu, Florentina Nicoleta Roncea, 22nd International Conference on Social Sciences - ICSS XXII, Amsterdam Science Park, 30-31 October 2020, online platform, coordinated in Amsterdam, Netherlands on 30-31 October 2020,

5. Residual Marine Algae Biomass - An Important Raw Material for Obtaining a Soil Biostimulator-Regenerator,Bogdan-Stefan Negreanu-Pirjol, Ticuta Negreanu-Pirjol, Gabriela Mihaela Paraschiv, Mihaela Mirela Bratu, 22nd International Conference on Social Sciences - ICSS XXII, Amsterdam Science Park, 30-31 October 2020, online platform, coordinated in Amsterdam, Netherlands on 30-31 October 2020,

Stage no. III / 2020 - Dissemination of results


Component project no. 1


"Biostimulating-regenerating composition based on residual biomass with fertilization potential", National Patent Application, OSIM, 2020


Component project no. 2


- "Topical dermato-cosmetic preparations of the type bioadhesive gels with dermal tissue regeneration effect", National Patent Application, OSIM, 2020



3 articles in ISI listed journals, 1 BDI indexed journal article, 2 international book chapters (in press), 3 entries with papers in international scientific events, 2 entries with papers in national scientific events, 2 patents, 2 awards and gold medal, 1 bachelor's thesis in the field of Health studies



  1. Gaspar A., Anton E.D., Iosageanu A., Berger D., Matei C., Mitran R.-A., Negreanu-Pirjol T., Craciunescu O., Moldovan L., Enhanced Wound Healing Activity of Undenatured Type I Collagen Isolated from Discarded Skin of Black Sea Gilthead Bream (Sparus aurata) Conditioned as 3D Porous Dressing, Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2021, 18(8), http/

  2. Artem V., Negreanu-Pirjol T., Ranca A., Ciobanu C., Abduraman A., Coroiu V., Negreanu-Pirjol B.S., Experimental studies on the residual marine and viticultural bioresources valorization for new organic fertilizers, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series B, 83(2), pag. 65-76, 2021, ISSN 1454-2331

  3. Artem V., Negreanu–Pirjol T., Ranca A., Ciobanu C., Abduraman A., Bratu M.M., Popoviciu D.R., Moldovan L., Negreanu-Pirjol B.S., Total phenolic content correlated with antioxidant activity of some grape pomace biomass hydroalcoholic extracts, white and red varieties, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series B, Vol.83(3), pag. 61-72, 2021, ISSN 1454-2331



  1. R. Sirbu, T. Negreanu-Pirjol, B.S. Negreanu-Pirjol, E. Cadar, Important Properties of Grapes and Wine from the Dobrogea Area for Therapeutic Use, European Journal of Medicine and Natural Sciences, January - April 2021, Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 17-26, ISSN 2601-6397 (Print) ISSN 2601-6400 (Online),



  1. Negreanu-Pirjol T., Negreanu-Pirjol B., Prelipcean A.M., Rosioru D.M, Popoviciu D.R., Marine algae an important resource for bioeconomy and biomedical applications. A review. In Agricultural studies on different subjects, Iksad International Publishing House, Institute of Economic Development and Social Researches, Turcia,, 2021 (in press)

  2. T. Negreanu-Pirjol, B.-S. Negreanu-Pirjol, V. Artem, A. Ranca, M. Ciocan, D.R. Popoviciu, Grape pomace - a promising biocomponent as biostimulant and eco-fertilizer. A Review. In Agricultural studies on different subjects, Iksad International Publishing House, Institute of Economic Development and Social Researches, Turcia,, 2021 (in press)



  1. T. Negreanu-Pirjol, M.M. Bratu, R. Sirbu, M. Vasile, B.-S. Negreanu-Pirjol, Active principles correlated with antioxidant activity of some green algae Species along Romanian Black Sea Coast, Symposium “Alternative and Complementary Therapies (Homeopathy / Phytotherapy)” 4th Edition, 26-27 March 2021, Constanţa, România, CD Program şi Book of Abstracts, lucrarea O6, p. 15-16

  2. B.S. Negreanu-Pirjol, A.C. Lepadatu, G.M. Paraschiv, L. Moldovan, T. Negreanu-Pirjol, Microbial charge assessment of residual seaweed biomass along Black Sea Coast, Symposium “Alternative and Complementary Therapies (Homeopathy / Phytotherapy)” 4th Edition, 26-27 March 2021, Constanţa, România, CD Program şi Book of Abstracts, lucrarea P23, p. 55

  3. V. Artem, T. Negreanu–Pirjol, A. Ranca, C. Ciobanu, A. Abduraman, B.-S. Negreanu-Pirjol, New regenerative-biostimulator based on residual bioresources type marine biomass and viticultural byproducts, Symposium “Alternative and Complementary Therapies (Homeopathy / Phytotherapy)” 4th Edition, 26-27 March 2021, Constanţa, România, CD Program şi Book of Abstracts, lucrarea P2, p. 31



  1. V. Artem, A. Ranca, A. Abduraman, M.A. Ciocan, T. Negreanu–Pirjol, Research regarding the valorization of marine and wine by-products for obtaining organic fertilizers, Workshop „Probleme actuale și de perspectivă în cercetarea viticolă dobrogeană”, 26.03.2021, desfășurat în cadrul S.C.D.V.V. Murfatlar

  2. Negreanu-Pîrjol T., Roșioru D.M., Berger D.C., Prelipcean A.M., Moldovan L., Mitran R.A., Ranca A., Valorificarea complexă a bioresurselor din zona Mării Negre prin dezvoltarea și aplicarea unor biotehnologii inovatoare și emergente, "Târgul proiectelor care transformă" în cadrul Conferinței “Educația fără frontiere pentru dezvoltare durabilă” organizat de Comisia Națională a României pentru UNESCO, 24-25 septembrie 2021, București



  1. Premiul III, Autori: B.S. Negreanu-Pirjol, A.C. Lepadatu, G.M. Paraschiv, L. Moldovan, T. Negreanu-Pirjol, pentru lucrarea: Microbial charge assessment of residual seaweed biomass along Black Sea Coast, Symposium “Alternative and Complementary Therapies (Homeopathy / Phytotherapy)” 4th Edition, 26-27 March 2021, Constanţa, România, CD Program şi Book of Abstracts, lucrarea P23, p. 55

  2. Diploma of Honor - Gold Medal, Autori: Negreanu-Pîrjol T., Roșioru D.M., Berger D.C., Prelipcean A.M., Moldovan L., Mitran R.A., Ranca A, The XXV-th International Exhibition of Inventics, - INVENTICA 2021, 23-25 June, Iasi, Romania, pentru proiectul complex 85PCCDI/2018, Cod proiect PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0701, intitulat: Complex Valorisation Of Black Sea Region Bioresources By Developing And Applying Innovative And Emerging Biotechnologies




Component project no. 1


Pharmaceutical preparations of the muchoadhesive trochial type with applications in oropharyngeal diseases and process for obtaining them. National patent application OSIM nr. 581 / 27.09.2021, Authors: Negreanu-Pîrjol T., Negreanu-Pîrjol B.S., Roncea F.N., Berger D.C., Moldovan L., Roșioru D.M., Mitran R.A., Ranca A.M., Lepădatu A.C., Matei C., Bratu M.M., Prelipcean (Stanciuc) A.M., Artem V., Coroiu V.,Vasile M.


Component project no.2

Dermato-cosmetic creams based on bioactive components from marine and viticultural sources and process for obtaining them, National patent application OSIM nr. 580 / 27.09.2021,, Authors: Negreanu-Pîrjol T., Negreanu-Pîrjol B.S., Roncea F.N., Berger D.C., Moldovan L., Roșioru D.M., Mitran R.A., Ranca A.M., Lepădatu A.C., Matei C., Bratu M.M., Tatia R., Gaspar-Pintiliescu A., Artem V., Vasile M., Erimia C.L.



Title: Comparative study of Rapana venosa mollusk by-products with pharmaceutical applications, Mitache Theodora graduate, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, faculty of Pharmacy, Pharmacy Study Program, Scientific Coordinator: Prof.Dr. Negreanu-Pîrjol Ticuța, Scientific Supervisor: CS I dr. Roșioru Daniela Mariana

Published articles- 1st Stage
Conferences Attendance- Posters 1st Stage
Published articles -2nd Stage
Conference Attendance - Posters 2nd Stage
Published articles- 3rd Stage
Conference Attendance - 3rd Stage
Published articles - 4th Stage
Conference attandance -4th Stage
Awards, Medals & Patents
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